Python, Selenium, and Me: A Tale of Unconventional Automation

Hey there! Ever wanted to mix a bit of fun with some serious learning? That’s precisely what I did with my latest mini-project. I decided to take on the challenge of automating Google Form submissions, not because I had to, but because I wanted to see what I could create with Python and Selenium WebDriver. It might sound a bit offbeat to use such powerful tools for something so simple, but hey, why not? It was a great way to sharpen my skills while having a lot of fun along the way. Join me as I dive into how I built a script that automates form submissions, all in the spirit of good fun and great learning.

Project Overview

The idea for this project sparked from a simple curiosity: How can I use automation to make tedious tasks a bit more interesting? The task at hand was automating the submission of a Google Form—a process many might not think to automate. I chose Python for its versatility and Selenium WebDriver for its powerful browser automation capabilities. The goal wasn’t just to automate the form but to explore these tools in a context that was somewhat out of the ordinary.

Technical Breakdown

Let’s dive into the core functionality of my script, which focuses on reading data from a CSV file and using that data to automate a Google Form submission. The form in question had two fields: “Company Name” and “Number of Employees.“ Here’s how I set up the automation for these specific fields:

Reading Data from a CSV File

The process begins with extracting data from a CSV file. This file was structured with two columns corresponding to the fields in the form. Using Python’s csv module, my script reads this data and prepares it for input.

import csv

class DataProvider():
    def __init__(self, file_path):
        self.file_path = file_path

    def get_companies(self):    
        companies = []
        with open(self.file_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            csv_reader = csv.DictReader(file)
            for row in csv_reader:
        return companies

Filling the Form

Next, I used Selenium WebDriver to navigate to the form and automate its completion. This part involved locating the input elements for “Company Name” and “Number of Employees” on the webpage and populating them with the data read from the CSV.

from import By

class FormFiller:
    def fill_form(self, driver, company_name, num_employees):
        inputs = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#mG61Hd input[type="text"]')

        company_field = inputs[0]
        employee_count_field = inputs[1]


        submit_button = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div[jsname="M2UYVd"]')

Lessons Learned

This project was an unconventional yet highly engaging way to advance my journey towards mastering AI technologies. Here’s what stood out:

The Fun in Learning

Choosing a project that blends fun with learning proved to be immensely beneficial. It kept my spirits high and motivation intact, making complex challenges feel more like intriguing puzzles. This approach has shown me that when learning is enjoyable, it becomes profoundly more effective, especially when mastering sophisticated fields like AI.

Practical Application of Automation and AI

The project wasn’t just about automating a form; it explored the practical applications of AI and automation technologies. Unconventionally using Python and Selenium WebDriver to solve a relatively simple problem provided a creative twist to typical automation tasks. This experience emphasized the importance of thinking outside the box and applying AI tools in novel ways to real-world scenarios.


This small project of automating Google Form submissions with Python and Selenium was more than just a technical exercise; it was a creative journey that added a fun twist to routine automation tasks. By stepping outside the conventional use of these tools, I not only learned about their capabilities in a unique setting but also kept my enthusiasm for AI high.

As I continue to explore and master AI technologies, projects like this serve as important milestones. They remind me that learning can be engaging and that the journey towards mastering complex technologies doesn’t have to be mundane. Whether you’re a novice eager to try your hand at Python, or an experienced developer looking to spice up your routine, I hope this project inspires you to think creatively about how you use technology.

Feel free to explore the code on my GitHub repository and consider how you might adapt these ideas for your own projects. I welcome your thoughts, feedback, and stories of how you’ve applied automation in unconventional ways!


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